

Cypht 2.0.0 supports JMAP: https://github.com/cypht-org/cypht/releases/tag/v2.0.0
And https://doc.tiki.org/Cypht is included in Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Please see the support status of JMAP: Webmail and groupware comparison

Please see: blogpost16-WikiSuite-will-now-support-all-major-Linux-distros. While ClearOS's mail stack is powered by Cyrus IMAP, Virtualmin's mail stack is with Dovecot, so we will focus on efforts there (As of 2022-10-31, Dovecot doesn't support JMAP yet). However, a new JMAP server in Rust has emerged: https://stalw.art/jmap/

See: https://forum.virtualmin.com/t/a-mail-server-that-supports-jmap-json-mail-access-protocol-to-replace-imap-smtp-carddav-and-caldav/126214

WikiSuite will add support for JMAP via a combination of contributions to Cyrus, Cypht integrated in Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware and the IETF standardization process. Please see: Cyrus IMAP 3 and JMAP development
