
Icon Securityv3


Keep your Data Safe from Loss or Disclosure. Data security is one of the most important concerns of all organizations today. The WikiSuite platform and applications are designed with this in mind. Having security layers at the operating system, network and application levels, WikiSuite empowers organizations to repel intruders as well as prevent accidental or intentional destruction or corruption of data.

Wikisuite Security Mobile


User / Group Management

  • Create and manage user group policies
  • Registration System
  • User activity logs
  • User (Group) rights

Anti-Virus / Anti-Spam

  • Prevents virus attacks against desktops, laptops, smartphones
  • Provides a gateway perimeter
  • Filters non-encrypted web traffic and FTP downloads
  • Anti-virus engine is based on ClamAV
  • Automatic updates with latest virus signatures
  • Stops email spam
  • Daily anti-spam signature updates

File Encryption

  • Encrypted volumes to protect confidential data from unauthorized access in the event the server is physically compromised
  • Data is stored in encrypted format unless volume is mounted
  • Mounting a volume requires password

Security features and included in all components, the main ones being Virtualmin and Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware