Tiki is one of the core components of WikiSuite and provides key features to manage private and public information, files, tasks, and other data of an organization. The much talked about Tiki 17.0 was released a few days ago and we would like to introduce you to the key improvements and additions in this stable release.
New libraries and features are added in Tiki 17.0 in addition to the up-gradation of many existing features. Key options introduced are as follows:
1- H5P
As we talked about it earlier, this tool creates and publishes HTML5 interactive contents such as surveys, polls, quizzes, interactive videos and much more. For more information on H5P content visit our previous blog.
2- mPDF
Tiki already had the capability to produce PDF files from Tiki pages. However, with mPDF Tiki is much more powerful and feature-rich in exporting PDF files with a set of advanced features. Now you can export HTML/Wiki pages to e-books, reports, brochures, profile, from your Tiki website. For more information on mPDF capabilities and features visit our detailed blog on PDF generation from Tiki.
3- Browser Automation
Web Scraping with PhantomJS and CasperJS: PhantomJS is a headless WebKit with JavaScript API, and therefore, it is an optimal solution for fast headless testing, site scraping, pages capture, SVG renderer, network monitoring and many other use cases. CasperJS is a navigation scripting & testing utility for PhantomJS among others.
Other enhancements include: New HTTP headers were added for enhanced security, password blacklist to stop users from using common (easy) passwords, improved search, trackers and more.
For a complete list of features, you can visit