History: Village

Preview of version: 6

This is a medium to long term project

See also: WikiSuite Building

Say you are in a remote area, with little or no connectivity? Or on an island with only expensive & slow satellite access?

Wiki Tablet does Tiki for a classroom:
http://wikitablet.net/Connecting+the+users (now offline)

  • What if we want more than Tiki?
  • What if we wanted a whole village?
  • Or even an island country?

In WikiSuite, we have tons of features, and specifically for this use case, we have:

We need a Mesh Network for all the devices (mobile phones, tablets and computers) to provide wifi access for the whole village.

CyanogenMod laptops and F-Droid/Aptoid (locally mirrored) could be used for apps.


Information Version
Marc Laporte 6 - 8
Marc Laporte openhab is covered on building page 1 - 5