History: Orchestrator

Preview of version: 4

WikiSuite Factory

Deploy and manage a large number of WikiSuite instances
Status: planning phase

Who is this for?

Who Benefit / use case
Business incubators Offer a platform to all your members, so they don't waste time / money on this, and focus on their differentiator
Hosting companies Offer usable and integrated software instead of just hosting
Specialized SaaS service provider Ex.: a firm specialized in a vertical like ISO compliance could deploy very focused WikiSuite instances for each project. To be combined with Tiki Profiles
Consultants Quickly set up a Tiki instance for a client project
FLOSS / digital autonomy promotion associations (ex.: Framasoft, FACIL, etc.) Promote FLOSS in a more integrated fashion than the current Framasoft setup



Information Version
Marc Laporte 5
Marc Laporte 4
Marc Laporte 3
Marc Laporte 2
Marc Laporte 1
  • 1
  • 2 (current)
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