If you are a developer, you may prefer to go directly to the source code.
You'll want something like this:
test | A record | (put your IP address here) |
*.test | CNAME | test.wikisuite.org. |
More info at Set up your domain name
Webmin is a web tool to facilitate server management. Virtualmin extends Webmin with a focus on shared hosting, which allows multiple instances of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware that are clearly segmented.
Installing WikiSuite automatically installs all the necessary packages and Webmin which itself automatically installs Virtualmin (both configured for optimal settings for WikiSuite components, see here the Differences from the original script ).
If you have an unreliable internet connection, you should use tmux or something similar. (So you can launch some commands, and they continue running even if you are disconnected).
Log in to your server via SSH with the root user. In some cases, your host may not provide you a root access to directly login to, but a user such as debian. This is why commands which require root are pre-fixed by sudo.
Quickly install WikiSuite package with just with few steps.
wget -O wikisuite-script-install.sh https://gitlab.com/wikisuite/wikisuite-script-for-wikisuite-package/-/raw/main/install.sh
Then :
sh wikisuite-script-install.sh
Proceed with the installation process manually by following all the steps required.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
apt-get install sudo sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install curl
sudo hostnamectl
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname machinename.example.org
curl -o wikisuite-installer https://gitlab.com/wikisuite/wikisuite-packages/-/raw/main/wikisuite-installer
nano wikisuite-installer
sudo bash wikisuite-installer
There is also experimental support for NGINX
A web URL for accessing Virtualmin will be provided after installation is complete Ex: https://your-ip-address:10000 (GUI is at port 10000)
After completing the Virtualmin post-install wizard Ex: https://yourdomain:10000 (GUI is at port 10000) becomes available.
If you are getting SSL errors: Virtualmin -> Select base domain -> Server Configuration -> SSL Certificate -> Let's Encrypt -> Request Certificate
This could be a good time to reboot your server, and make sure it restarts fine.
sudo reboot
Next steps:
Go to Ex: https://example.org:10000
Virtualmin > Create Virtual Server
For more info: https://www.virtualmin.com/documentation/tutorial/virtual-server-basics
Fill in the appropriate fields and make sure you check the "Tiki Manager" feature! Then click the "Create Server" button and you are done.
If a domain name is valid, free SSL (for https://) certificates from Let's Encrypt are automatically created. If you'll add the domain later, you can get SSL later: Virtualmin > Select base domain > Server Configuration > SSL Certificate > Let's Encrypt > Request Certificate
So now, you should be able to visit both my.example.org and see a placeholder page. If domain name is not set up, you can Preview Website via Virtualmin
Virtualmin has many other features like domain alias, domain rename, etc. which we invite you to discover.
For more info, please see Tiki Manager docs.
To access everything related to our manager you have to navigate to Services > Tiki Manager.
Just fill in the email address, note the password, choose the desired Tiki Version and hit install. The Tiki Manager will inform you that your instance is ready; you can visit it at your Virtual server URL and manage it using the username "admin" and your previously displayed password. Or you can import an existing instance.
See more at Virtualmin Tiki Manager
The default page of Tiki:
The Tiki Admin Dashboard looks like this:
Sometime the installer may fail silently, not being able to talk to the repos; usually it is a network/name resolution problem, most common is accessing via IPv6, solved by:
sudoedit /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv4
and in the file inserting
Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true";
sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf
Place the following entry to disable IPv6 for all adapters.
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
For a particular adapter (If the network card name is enp0s3).
net.ipv6.conf.enp0s3.disable_ipv6 = 1
To reflect the changes execute the following command.
sudo sysctl -p
If server is accessed by IP address, you can pick which domain is shown via Server Configuration -> Website Options -> Default Website for IP address
It is recommended not to have a live site there, as end users should really use domain names, and it could be nasty bots scanning IPs to find forms to abuse. (real story!)