
History: How to install WikiSuite

Preview of version: 225

2021-09-09: The installation process was massively simplified with the introduction of https://gitlab.com/wikisuite/virtualmin-tikimanager 2021-10-14: We are working on creating .deb and .rpm packages

If you are a developer, you may prefer to go directly to the source code.

As of 2021-03-27, the status is


  • A server, being physical host or a virtual machine. https://www.vpsbenchmarks.com/ can help you pick a provider.
    • CPU
      • 1 core/thread is enough for a fresh website but we suggest to consider at least 2. And scale accordingly in the future.
    • RAM
      • To run Virtualmin and a few small Tiki instances, you should have at least 1GB of RAM.
      • 10GB can get you started with an OS and everything you need. But you should scale this or even over-provision if you plan for an intensive online activity with lots of files.
      • Do not forget about backups: start locally and move to remote as soon as possible. Virtualmin can help you make the best out of your available space, by rotating backups.
  • A grade A GNU/Linux operating system, stable and suitable for servers
      • You need to pre-install a fresh minimal Debian 10 (soon 11) or Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (more distros will be supported later, Rocky Linux & CentOS 8.x are a given)
  • A domain name (a sub-domain will also do fine), with the following options:
      • At the moment it is recommended to delegate fully a working sub-domain or domain to the server before your proceed, because your WikiSuite server will run flawlesly a BIND nameserver. In this case you will have the advantages of creating subdomains easily, locally, also with SPF records for example. And it offers flexibility for any future domains.
      • You can also point a wildcard subdomain if you don't want to deal with DNS on your server. For example, if we want all requests pointed to test.wikisuite.org or *.test.wikisuite.org as this makes it easy to create many projects, such as: abc.test.wikisuite.org, def.test.wikisuite.org, etc.
      • Last but not least, for a single (sub)domain just a simple A record from your DNS provider pointed to your IP. This is provider-dependent and not covered here.

You'll want something like this:

test A record (put your IP address here)
*.test CNAME test.wikisuite.org.

More info at Set up your domain name

How WikiSuite leverages Virtualmin / Webmin

Webmin is a web tool to facilitate server management. Virtualmin extends Webmin with a focus on shared hosting, which allows multiple instances of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware that are clearly segmented.

Installing WikiSuite automatically installs all the necessary packages and Webmin which itself automatically installs Virtualmin (both configured for optimal settings for WikiSuite components, see here the Differences from the original script ).

You should have a fresh instance of Debian 10 or Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. It should work with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Debian 9 but this has not yet been tested. CentOS and Rocky Linux support is planned and we are following discussions about CentOS vs CentOS Stream support in Virtualmin. Expect full support for Debian 11 once the Virtualmin team adapts the software.

If you have an unreliable internet connection, you should use tmux or something similar. (So you can launch some commands, and they continue running even if you are disconnected).


Log in to your server via SSH with the root user. In some cases, your host may not provide you a root access to directly login to. This is why commands which require root are pre-fixed by sudo.


Always update first
sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
This installs curl if not already installed
sudo apt-get install curl
Set a proper FQDN hostname for your machine
hostnamectl set-hostname machine.name
This downloads the install script (which you can inspect)
curl -o install-virtualmin.sh https://gitlab.com/wikisuite/virtualmin-installer/-/raw/master/install-virtualmin.sh
This is to inspect the script (optional)
nano install-virtualmin.sh
This runs the install script
sudo bash install-virtualmin.sh

A web URL for accessing Virtualmin will be provided after installation is complete Ex: https://example.org:10000 (GUI is at port 10000)

If you are getting SSL errors: Virtualmin -> Select base domain -> Server Configuration -> SSL Certificate -> Let's Encrypt -> Request Certificate

Updates: The system default is to auto update weekly. You can change this in the Virtualmin admin panel.

You have a basic server. Congrats!

This could be a good time to reboot your server, and make sure it restarts fine.

You will get kicked out. Reconnect after reboot.
sudo reboot

Next steps:

  1. Create a Virtual Server based on a plan
  2. Use Tiki Manager to install Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Create a Virtual Server for your Tiki

Go to Ex: https://example.org:10000
Virtualmin > Create Virtual Server
For more info: https://www.virtualmin.com/documentation/tutorial/virtual-server-basics
Server Create

Suppose your desired domain is example.org, use the following pattern:
Create a Virtual Server for manager.example.org
And then, a Sub-Server for example.org

Top-level Virtual Server

Domain name (This will be for Tiki Manager): manager.example.org
Administration username (pick a descriptive word for that domain): example
Administration password: Set a Strong Password (if not, you will very likely get hacked)


Domain name (This will be for your site): example.org
No need to pick username and password like above because user you created can access both.

If a domain name is valid, free SSL (for https://) certificates from Let's Encrypt are automatically created. If you'll add the domain later, you can get SSL later: Virtualmin -> Select base domain -> Server Configuration -> SSL Certificate -> Let's Encrypt -> Request Certificate

So now, you should be able to visit both manager.example.org and example.org and see a placeholder page. If domain name is not set up, you can Preview Website via Virtualmin

Why not have example.org as the Virtual Server and manager.example.org as the Sub-Server? You could but it makes things more complicated later

Virtualmin has many other features like domain alias, domain rename, etc.

Installation of Tiki Manager

For more info, please see Tiki Manager docs.

1. Install Tiki Manager
Go to Ex: https://example.org:10000
Virtualmin > manager.example.org


Once the installation is complete, it will indicate your login URL. Ex.: http://manager.example.org

Tiki Manager's web interface

More info: Documentation of Tiki Manager's web UI

So now Tiki Manager will be accessible at manager.example.org

As of 2021-07-17, the web interface can be used to install Tiki on Virtualmin but it is less stable. You may prefer to use the command line version.

Create Tiki Instance through Command Line

So now to install Tiki, you need a database. Virtualmin actually already created one for you.

Here is video to give you an idea of the process, how to get database details

Now, Tiki Manager will create a fresh Tiki instance fetching files from Git, and using database mentioned above.

For more info, please see the instance section of the documentation of Tiki Manager

So now, you need to log in using SSH with the user you just created (and not as root)

cd /home/example/tiki-manager
php tiki-manager.php instance:create

Recommended answers:

  • Connection type: local (because Tiki Manager is installing on the same server, accessible to the same user.)
  • WebURL: http://example.org (as above)
  • Name: you can keep what it proposes. This is just cosmetic.
  • Email: Your email so system can alert you of issues
  • WebRoot: /home/example/domains/example.org/public_html
  • You will get a warning (Target webroot folder is not empty). Installing a new Tiki instance, all files will be deleted. Do you want to continue? (yes/no): yes
  • TempDir: /home/example/tmp/
  • Backup user: (accept proposed value)
  • Backup group: (accept proposed value)
  • Backup file permissions: (accept proposed value)
  • Branch: git : 21.x (this provides latest released version of branch 21 + bug fixes of upcoming 21.x release.
  • Database host: (accept proposed value)
  • Database user: username from the Virtual Server (not the Sub-Server)
  • Database password: password from the Virtual Server (not the Sub-Server)
  • Database name: name from the Sub-Server (not the Virtual Server)

Here is video to give you an idea of the process, but you should use recommended answers above

After you have answered all the questions, it will take quite some time to install your Tiki. Perhaps 20-30 minutes or more, depending on your context. Just be patient and let it run.

After Successfully Creating the Tiki Instance

You will get the Tiki HomePage as below.

Login with
u: admin
p: admin

And follow the instructions to set a strong password.

The Tiki Admin Dashboard looks like this:


Force all traffic to SSL / HTTPS



Information Version
Horia N. 249
Horia N. 248
Horia N. 247
Horia N. 246
Marc Laporte 245
Marc Laporte 244
Marc Laporte More hiding 243
Marc Laporte 242
Horia N. 241
Marc Laporte 240
Marc Laporte redundant 239
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Marc Laporte 237
Horia N. 236
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Horia N. 225
Horia N. 224
Horia N. 223
Horia N. 222
Marc Laporte 221
Marc Laporte 220
Marc Laporte 218
Marc Laporte 217
Marc Laporte 216
Marc Laporte 215
Marc Laporte Use sudo to make it simpler for less experienced admins 214
Marc Laporte 213
Marc Laporte 212
Marc Laporte Debian 10 211
Marc Laporte This just will confuse people 210
Marc Laporte 209
Marc Laporte sudo 208
Marc Laporte Updates are now automatic 207
Marc Laporte Unoconv now part of https://gitlab.com/wikisuite/virtualmin-installer/-/blob/master/install-virtualmin.sh 206
Marc Laporte 205
Marc Laporte 204
Marc Laporte Now done by https://gitlab.com/wikisuite/virtualmin-installer/-/merge_requests/4 203
Marc Laporte 202
Marc Laporte 201
Marc Laporte 200