
History: FAQ

Preview of version: 40

What is WikiSuite?

WikiSuite is a Free / Libre / Open Source software (FLOSS) enterprise suite

What is Free / Libre / Open Source software (FLOSS) ?


What is an enterprise suite?

The enterprise suite category is for solutions for organizations that cover more than 10 traditional software categories in an integrated fashion (ex.: logins work throughout all features, etc.). Software categories differ depending on the source and evolve over time, but here is a typical example.

What makes WikiSuite special?

It is the most comprehensive and integrated Free / Libre / Open Source enterprise software suite ever developed

What do you mean by comprehensive and integrated?

comprehensive: WikiSuite offers most (80%+) of the data and information management features all organizations need
integrated: The end goal is that all parts of WikiSuite look and act consistantly. One login for everything, one search box for everything, etc. We are not 100% there yet, but we are closer than the other FLOSS offerings, and have a realistic roadmap to get there. See answer about Bootstrap below.

What are components?

They are the individual software applications that comprise WikiSuite. Please see: Software Components

How were components picked?

All options were extensively analyzed and compared according to this component criteria.

Is WikiSuite just a list of software?

WikiSuite is way more than just a list of software. Our end goal is to have one integrated suite that covers just about all the software needs for a typical organization. The policy is to work closely with each upstream project. See also: "Upstream First". And thus, it is a community project doing the following:

  1. Making it all easy to install and manage. The various ClearOS apps make it easy to install and use any WikiSuite component with ClearOS without necessarily using all the components of WikiSuite. -> See Source
  2. We participate actively to the components -> Reporting bugs, adding features, improving documentation, helping with community management, etc. Please note that working upstream also means working with any project that the components themselves include. For example, Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware includes code from over 100 different software libraries, and thus, as appropriate we will work with these libraries.
  3. To make everything work well together (using open standards when possible and / or some glueware). And improving upstream makes it easier for projects similar to WikiSuite to re-use the same components (which we prefer)
  4. Making everything have a common look and feel, by standardizing on the Bootstrap front-end framework. We have helped several of the components to move to Bootstrap, which is good in itself, and makes it easier for WikiSuite to have a consistent look and feel.
  5. The tight integration of all the components will permit to much better address use some tricky use cases such as Customer Relationship Management.

If you compare to the alternatives to WikiSuite, you will see that some of them are mostly focused on making it easy to install diverse software, but they don't focus on making everything work together as one.

Do I have to use everything in the Suite?

No. Don't install / activate what you don't need. And the day you need it, you'll be pleased that it's ready for you, and working with all the rest of WikiSuite.

Can I replace part of the Suite?

Yes, it's all Free / Libre / Open Source (FLOSS). You can use different components which suits you better (legacy data, better features, etc.) Please do share why / how you did this so other can learn and make better choices for their projects.

What is the license?

Software and documentation are released under appropriate "wiki way" community-friendly licensing. Please see: License

Since the WikiSuite is formed of various components, how will it have consistency in the user interface?

  • We are working to move all components to Bootstrap (a front-end web framework).

Is WikiSuite multi-tenant?

No. The main use case is to set up a server (virtual or physical) for each project. But several domains can be supported as aliases, so you could have both example.org and example.com but only one user johh.smith

Would it be possible to make it multi-tenant?

  • ClearOS is not, but domain alias is easy.
  • Openfire is not, and domain alias requires some trickery
  • Kolab can be
  • Tiki can be but requires significant configuration. Domain alias is easy.

An alternative: Orchestrator

Why is it called WikiSuite?

Let's take both words (according to Wiktionary):

So it's collection of software working well together that facilitates teams working well together. Wikis are historically about collaboration on textual content in web pages (which was a limitation of the technology of the day). However, for WikiSuite, it's to faciliate collaboration through any type of content: web pages for unstructured content (wiki/web pages) and structured content (spreadsheets, databases, business applications), files, emails, real time communication (XMPP and WebRTC), virtual machines, videos, passwords, etc. (anything really)

It's mostly through a web browser but some non-browser software is supported. Ex.: the IMAP protocol to manage email via a desktop or mobile client.

What are the alternatives?

Please see: Alternatives

What are the future plans?

Please see: Mission Vision Values, Projects, Roadmap and To do.

How can I participate?

Just register and start participating!. This is a wiki community, and thus, inherently]

How can I get support?

Please see: Support

How can I get in contact with the people in charge?

Please see: Contact

Rest of content is still at https://suite.tiki.org/Tiki+Suite+FAQ


Information Version
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Marc Laporte pdf Plugin modified by editor. 41
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Marc Laporte Thank for you the question Andrea and Ian 36
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Marc Laporte Jérôme Schneider asked me this 21
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Lukas 'luci' Masek typos 16
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