

 Move objects between categories
  1. Click on the category name to display the list of objects in that category.
  2. Select the objects to affect. Controls will appear in the category browser.
  3. Use the plus and minus signs to add or remove the categories on selected objects.

Object list result
Select objects to change categorization:
  1. Dogfood: preview side-by-side diff: blank instead of diff
  2. Make development plan with ClearOS core team
  3. Create ClearOS app for TRIM, from which to install Tiki
  4. Realtime Tiki: Replicate the functionality of TogetherJS (for realtime collaboration on all forms) instead of standalone instance or SaaS
  5. Mailing lists without Mailman, using only Tiki and Mail aliases
  6. Document how to configure Content Delivery Network for Tiki and ClearOS
  7. Anonymous users do not have edit rights, and thus not be offered inline edits
  8. Interoperability between Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware and Openfire
  9. Build an awesome CRM, with all relevant components working smartly together
  10. XMPP presence indicator in webmail, and mini-chat
  11. Cyrus data (IMAP/JMAP mailboxes, but perhaps also Contacts and Events) to be accessible to Elasticsearch and Tiki
  12. Openfire XMPP chat and video logs to be searchable, and accessible to Tiki
  13. Test and document the Jitsi - Tiki provisionning in the context of WikiSuite
  14. Extend Syncthing in WikiSuite to offer the functionality of Seafile, OwnCloud, etc. (Virtualmin, Tiki and Syncthing interoperability)
  15. Content filters on server applied to Tiki content to detect posting of bad content
  16. Files on disk (can be in ClearOS's FlexShare and or Syncthing) to be accessible to Elasticsearch and Tiki
  17. kht1980
  18. Openfire Meetings planner to be a resource calendar in Tiki
  19. Use Tiki categories and/ or tags outside of Tiki (ex.: Emails, Files, etc.)
  20. FusionPBX / FreeSWITCH access to ClearOS OpenLDAP / Tiki address book
  21. Tiki Newsletters and Cyrus IMAP interoperability
  22. ClearOS Web Server: When creating or editing a web space, it should be possible to pick PHP versions (7.1 vs 7.0 vs 5.6)
  23. Add Team functionality to password management (web access to KeePass data)
  24. Add a Chatbot to WikiSuite
  25. WikiSuite Blockchain prototype
  26. Add H5P support to Openfire and Tiki
  27. WikiSuite development environment
  28. Implement Multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all apps
  29. WikiSuite demo instance (refreshed periodically)
  30. upgrade wikisuite.org to 16.x
  31. IMAP folder tracker field type
  32. Add a proofreading tool to WikiSuite (Grammar, spelling, etc.)

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