Assigned toAnybilal.siddiqguus.der.kinderenjonny.bradleymarc.laportevictor.emanouilov-Blank (no data)-AreaAnyClearOS (deprecated)Community managementElasticsearchFusionPBX (including FreeSWITCH)KalturaKeePassKimchi (including KVM)Kolab (including Roundcube)Manticore SearchMatomoMeshCentralPromotionRealtime (Openfire/Jitsi Meet)SyncthingTiki Wiki CMS GroupwareVirtualminXibo-Blank (no data)-DescriptionPriorityAny1 (high)2345 (low)-Blank (no data)- DescriptionAssigned toPriorityReview all listingsM. Bilal Siddiq2Review User TrackerM. Bilal Siddiq2Get 90 seconds video, to be shared on social mediaMarc Laporte2Realtime Tiki: Replicate the functionality of TogetherJS (for realtime collaboration on all forms) instead of standalone instance or SaaSVictor Emanouilov2Make a WikiSuite slideshow, dogfooding of courseM. Bilal Siddiq2Revamp home page when we get video (and add more text about benefits like no lock-in)2Permit Openfire Meetings to anonymous users for certain rooms 2WikiSuite development environment2Implement Multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all apps2WikiSuite demo instance (refreshed periodically)2Permit to phone in and out of a WebRTC videoconferenceguus.der.kinderen2Migrate all relevant content from Laporte3Set up Dogfood server (XMPP, Piwik, etc.)3Improve --Make-- a proper description of alternatives, and explain how WikiSuite is different3Complete Branding document and guide3Dogfood: preview side-by-side diff: blank instead of diffjonny.bradley3Explicit community model and how to get involved3Mailing lists without Mailman, using only Tiki and Mail aliases3Explain why each componentMarc Laporte3Document logging, monitoring and alerting options3Anonymous users do not have edit rights, and thus not be offered inline editsjonny.bradley3Openfire XMPP chat and video logs to be searchable, and accessible to Tiki3Cyrus data (IMAP/JMAP mailboxes, but perhaps also Contacts and Events) to be accessible to Elasticsearch and Tiki3Explore adding features to Remote Control app (ex.: Screencast)3Extend Syncthing in WikiSuite to offer the functionality of Seafile, OwnCloud, etc. (Virtualmin, Tiki and Syncthing interoperability)3Set up proper onboarding process3Translate to French4Translate to Spanish4Elaborate and document strategy with all Social Media accounts we have (Twitter, etc.)4Strategy to attract service providers4WikiSuite Orchestrator4Interoperability between Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware and Openfire4Build an awesome CRM, with all relevant components working smartly together4XMPP presence indicator in webmail, and mini-chat4Add Team functionality to password management (web access to KeePass data)4Test FusionPBX with SQLite4Xibo support on CentOS 7.x (ex.: via Docker)4YouTube page M. Bilal Siddiq4Set up proper community channels4Investigate for a solution to permit self-hosting without a fixed IP address (such as PageKite)4Dogfood WikiSuite for Community Conference Calls4Add inspired by Meet: Pre-flight checklist like BigBlueButton4Make a contact tracker (instead of emailing project founder)5 (low)Make a series of screencasts to show off the most important features5 (low)Test and document the Jitsi - Tiki provisionning in the context of WikiSuite5 (low)Content filters on server applied to Tiki content to detect posting of bad content5 (low)Openfire Meetings planner to be a resource calendar in Tiki5 (low)Use Tiki categories and/ or tags outside of Tiki (ex.: Emails, Files, etc.)5 (low)Tiki Newsletters and Cyrus IMAP interoperability5 (low)Add a Chatbot to WikiSuite5 (low)WikiSuite Blockchain prototype5 (low)Address the software development use case (Gitea vs Gitlab vs Tuleap vs Allura vs ...)5 (low)Online shop for promotional items5 (low)Add a proofreading tool to WikiSuite (Grammar, spelling, etc.)5 (low)Consider OCS Inventory NG to be a WikiSuite Component5 (low)Investigate tools to facilitate management on the command line 5 (low)Look into https://reproducible-builds.org5 (low) Done Description Assigned toPriorityAdd H5P support to Openfire and Tiki3Attack detector (Fail2ban) for Clearos: add more info and options to admin panel5 (low)Build relevant top menuM. Bilal Siddiq1 (high)ClearOS and Kimchi: try to find a way in the GUI for Kimchi to use an external DHCP server4ClearOS in Gateway Mode Refuses to Route KVMs2ClearOS Web Server: When creating or editing a web space, it should be possible to pick PHP versions (7.1 vs 7.0 vs 5.6)2ClearOS: better segmentation of web spaces (permissions, data storage, etc.)2Convert ConverseJS to Bootstrap 4benoit.roy3Convert Jitsi Meet to BootstrapLukas 'luci' Masek2Convert Kolab admin panel to Bootstrap5 (low)Convert Openfire admin panel to BootstrapManassé Ngudia5 (low)Create a Kolab app for ClearOS4Create ClearOS app for Matomo5 (low)Create ClearOS app for Openfire Meetingsguus.der.kinderen2Create ClearOS app for Syncthing4Create ClearOS app for TRIM, from which to install Tiki2Create ClearOS app for WikiSuite3Create ClearOS apps for FusionPBX and FreeSWITCH5 (low)Document how to configure Content Delivery Network for Tiki and ClearOSMarc Laporte5 (low)Fail2ban should be checked in clearos (attack detector) to ensure the correct param are set to prevent more than just a few (<10) connection attempts2Files on disk (can be in ClearOS's FlexShare and or Syncthing) to be accessible to Elasticsearch and Tiki3FusionPBX / FreeSWITCH access to ClearOS OpenLDAP / Tiki address book5 (low)IMAP folder tracker field typeVictor Emanouilov3Kolab calendar updates on Android (DAVdroid): email notifications are not being sent4Make app-kimchi Check and Fix Missing KVM Settings2Make development plan with ClearOS core teamMarc Laporte1 (high)Participate to Roundcube Next and JMAP integrationMarc Laporte2Picking PHP Version for Crontab : Propose a new category for suites2ReferenceError: SpiceMainConn is not defined when trying to use Spice on Kimchi app for ClearOS (VNC is fine)3Roundcube: Add a "send and archive" or "reply and archive" button3run mysql_secure_installation in unattended mode at wikisuite install time (after mariadb)2Syncthing and Kolab interoperability5 (low)Timezone issue between Kolab and Outlook3Update Openfire Meetings to latest version of Jitsi Meet, and make sure all new features are made available (ex.: Streaming)guus.der.kinderen1 (high)upgrade to 16.xbenoit.roy1 (high) See also: Roadmap Projects Done