
Tracker Item History

Version Date User Field ID Field Difference
3 Marc Laporte 33 Area
-Kolab (including Roundcube)  
 Realtime (Openfire/Jitsi Meet)  Realtime (Openfire/Jitsi Meet)
 Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware  Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
 Xibo Xibo
2 Marc Laporte 31 Description
-Add a proofreading tool to WikiSuite +Add a proofreading tool to WikiSuite (Grammar, spelling, etc.)
1 Marc Laporte 32 Details
 A tool like https://languagetool.org/, with all the data hosted locally, and available to use for all web forms A tool like https://languagetool.org/, with all the data hosted locally, and available to use for all web forms
 +Thank you to Erik Moeller for the advice.