
History: WikiSuite for Education

Preview of version: 3

Wikisuite Education
WikiSuite information management tools can empower any institute, university or school to build & manage information between students, teachers, faculty, and parents smartly. A large number of educational institutes are already using Wikis to build and share information however WikiSuite offers much more than a standard wiki.

WikiSuite is powered by industry leading Free OpenSource softwares, together which can fulfill all your needs to build knowledge base as well as utilize top notch communication and collaboration features.

Knowledge Management

WikiSuite provides you tools to build, manage & share information in a most effect and secure format. Provided with detailed user groups, permissions & user actions history you can be sure to keep your knowledge base organized.

Virtual Classrooms

The phenomena of online learning centers has been very successful and it can benefit any virtual or physical educational institute to provide their students online learning facilities. With WikiSuite you can set up virtual classrooms equipped with Audio, Video, Text, Screen Sharing & recording sessions.

Build & Share Course Materials

Building and managing course materials using Wiki based system can build long lasting effects for your educational institutes. Curriculum and course materials can be built collaboratively by the teachers to be available anytime they need it or want to update it.

Video Libraries

Videos are preffered way of learning for students, WikiSuite tools equip you to build, manage and share videos with the students. Record class room sessions, share lectures, and much more.

Tools for Students Collaboration

Students can build working groups to share information, files, video conference, and more to work on research projects and other academic activities. Alumni students can also stay in touch with their institute and guide junior students by sharing their experiences and challenges they faced.

File Sharing

Files can be shared securely with desired group of students, between students, or within the faculty of the organization. Group of users can work on shared folder to sync the files in real time.

Find out more about WikiSuite File Sharing features

Institute Public Portal

With WikiSuite you can build institute's public website sharing research, news, and other information with the world. Important aspect of this portal is that you can engage students and faculty members to collaborate and build news & informational contents.

Quizes, Surveys & Polls

Work with quizes, surveys and polls for student engagement and assesment during or after the class. Short quizes during the classroom sessions improves students learning process and helps gain better results. WikiSuite is fully equipped to build text based surveys and quizes as well as video based quizes.

Emails & Newsletters

Students and teachers can enable email alerts for any specific area in the system, and recieve email updates whenever a change is made in that area. School administration can also send Newsletters to all or specific groups of students.

Security Features

WikiSuite gives you complete control and security on the data using encryption, firewall, and with extensive permissions on user groups and segments of WikiSuite.

Host it Anywhere

WikiSuite can be installed in your local intranet or in the cloud. Access to all features is from the browser and can be used with any device having a browser, i.e. laptops or smart handheld devices.

Get Started

WikiSuite is a free to download and install. If you need any help visit our community forums or Sign up for our paid support program.

Educational Software Companies & Developers

Software companies working to build educational softwares can utilize WikiSuite to build their knowledge management & collaboration tools for their clients. Join our Development Community to get exchange information with other WikiSuite developers or you may also use our paid support program.


Information Version
M. Bilal Siddiq 25
Marc Laporte 24
gary.cunningham-lee Text edited for clarity, etc. 23
M. Bilal Siddiq img Plugin modified by editor. 22
M. Bilal Siddiq img Plugin modified by editor. 21
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M. Bilal Siddiq formatting 9
M. Bilal Siddiq added icons with all features 8
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