
History: Outreach

Preview of version: 4

Message from William:
This page is only about 5% complete: Please stand by.

I created this page as a discussion-sub-page for our community's To-Do list, but specifically on the sub-topic of how to improve the site's effectiveness, or what I chose to call "outreach". I intend to give feedback (and ideas) from the point of view of an absolutely new user: not just new to WikiSuite, but also new to Tiki, and new to ClearOS.
So, please don't get angry if I totally miss some point. Remember, if a retired senior programmer misses the point, then how many other site visitors will also miss that point.

Our goal is to promote WikiSuite as the clear choice for people who want the most powerful collaborative software with the least cost and lowest administrative effort. To do this we must project a web image which never confounds a site visitor with jargon or concepts they don't understand. When we accidentally do that, we send a message that we are inept at our own goal of providing lowest administrative effort because we are forcing the reader to go away and learn before they can even understand our website. To remedy this, every single jargon word must be a link to a simple and clear definition and promotional statements. Each headline concept must be followed by explanations which are understandable by the general public but not considered demeaning to more knowledgeable individuals.

Preliminary Personal Notes


Comments On Our Landing Page Design (WikiSuite.org)


This assessment is going to be rather harsh. Sorry!

  • Who is WikiSuite targeting? Is it not:
    1. Business professionals who are learning about possible collaborative tools they might use? ( 8%)
    2. Super-Users whose bosses have asked them to do the same. (20%)
    3. Regular people who are also trying to learn about these tools, and found this site. (70%)
    4. Experienced IT professionals. ( 2%)

In my opinion, our landing page is suffering from geek speak, and we are therefore likely to be losing customers from groups 1-3, and many from 4. The percentage numbers are totally arbitrary, but I'm trying to convey the idea that our site may receive far more visits by valuable prospective customers who currently know almost nothing, than visits by experienced IT people. I am also suggesting the idea that businesses with experienced IT staff, who have absolutely no difficulty understanding our website, may not require our consultations as often as the, far more numerous, less experienced businesses.

Problems and possible fixes

When people visit a web page, there is a satisfaction threshold which must be met for them to remain on that page. They must immediately see clues that they are going in the right direction for their quest, or at least feel they may have discovered an interesting new quest. It is often helpful to ask random people to visit a site and give their impressions.

Problem: The page shows no generally understandable explanation of what WikiSuite is or does

  • Probably only 5% of the general public knows what "wiki" means. Possibly as few as 10% of experienced business professionals, and maybe even IT people, really know what a wiki can do. It is admittedly difficult to design a landing page which appeals to everyone, but I think we can do better.
    • The page needs text which explains that wiki software allows groups of people to easily and colllaboratively create attractive documentation pages, and these pages can be either private to an organization or open to the public.
  • Very few people know what Open Software is much less FLOSS or "Free / Libre / Open Source software". To them, this is just meaningless jargon.
  • The next textual group fails to remedy the problem when it simply says, "WikiSuite™ is especially suited to knowledge-centric organizations". A person really needs to know what an object is before being told what it is useful for.



Problem: The primary image on the page feels broken

The main image is of the WikiSuite logo surrounded by eight objects that look like they should be hot-links, but they aren't. I bet 9 out of every 10 people who visit this page will move their pointers over those logos, and then be amazed that they don't do anything.
IMO, we really should activate these logos with both textual popups and links.


Information Version
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William Bliss Initial page creation 1