
History: How to install Syncthing on Virtualmin

Preview of version: 11

A Syncthing installer for Virtualmin.

To install syncthing on virtualmin require few step to follow:

  • On to virtualmin tab , check for install scripts on the list menu

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  • by default it will open available scripts, look for syncthing on list script, select it and click on the v icon to open the installation page.

Select Thing

  • It will propose to enter the username and password to use while installation finished. note that username and password are mandatory in other case the installation will failed.

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- After installation finished, a link to join syncthing is provided. click on the link to access syncthing. use the username and password registered to start your session.
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How to update

After installation you need to update your script to the latest version :
Open the Virtualmin shell command:
Syncthing need an aythenticity gpg key before sharing resources.

To allow the system to check the packages authenticity, you need to provide the release key.
sudo curl -o /usr/share/keyrings/syncthing-archive-keyring.gpg https://syncthing.net/release-key.gpg

We need to add syncthing new resources list, and for this case the stable channel was chosing.

The stable channel is updated with stable release builds, usually every first Tuesday of the month.
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/syncthing-archive-keyring.gpg] https://apt.syncthing.net/ syncthing stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/syncthing.list

And Finaly
sudo apt-get update

for more detail about the resource https://apt.syncthing.net/

  • When all this step finished, click on to virtualmin tab , to get server informations, and then scroll down to find Virtualmin Packages Updates menu and click on the Software Package Updates link to open Software Package Updates page. In some case Virtualmin Packages Updates menu is not visible, then search for package updates are available link and click on it.

Software Package Update

  • Once _ Software Package Updates _ page open, by default it will open on Package Updates tab and the default display state will be on Only updates, select installed. when ready, search for syncthing. From the result, the actual version installed will display.

Syncthing Ver 1.0.0 2

  • Select syncthing from result, and clik on Update selected packages. The installation will start and when finished go back to Software Package Updates and Voila! the update has been done.

After Update


Information Version
Boss Ibrahim Mussa Update script update documentation 14
Boss Ibrahim Mussa 13
Boss Ibrahim Mussa 12
Boss Ibrahim Mussa 11
Boss Ibrahim Mussa 10
Boss Ibrahim Mussa 9
Boss Ibrahim Mussa 8
Boss Ibrahim Mussa 7
Boss Ibrahim Mussa 6
Boss Ibrahim Mussa update documentation of installation and update syncthing 5
Marc Laporte 4
Marc Laporte 3
Marc Laporte 2
Marc Laporte 1