
History: TRIM and Syncthing for automated offsite backups

Preview of version: 4

Use case: I have a Tiki on ClearOS. and I want automatic backups of that Tiki to my local computer for safekeeping. These are high level instructions as to how to combine TRIM and Syncthing to do so.

Setup TRIM


  • subversion


svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/tikiwiki/code/trim

Configure TRIM to backup your Tiki site

In this example, we will add an instance named ii. notresuite.com. TRIM and TIKI are in the same server. Pay attention where to input

[root@trimclient trim]# make instance
php -d memory_limit=256M scripts/addinstance.php
Default editor used (nano). You can change the EDITOR environment variable.
Default diff used (diff). You can change the DIFF environment variable.
Connection type [ssh|ftp] : ssh
Host name :
Port number : [22]
User : root
Instance name : [] ii.notresuite.com
Contact email : your@email.com
Instance information saved.
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed

/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: WARNING: All keys were skipped because they already exist on the remote system.

Testing connection...
After successfully entering your password, were you asked for a password again? [yes|no] no
Detecting remote configuration.
You are running on a ClearOS
Web root : [/var/www/virtual/] /var/www/virtual/ii.notresuite.com
Web URL : [] http://ii.notresuite.com/
Working directory : [/tmp/trim_temp]
Instance information saved.
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 1 in /root/trim/src/rclib.php on line 70
Detected SVN : branches/15.x
[root@trimclient trim]#

You can backup as always.

[root@trimclient trim]# make backup
bash scripts/backup.sh php -d memory_limit=256M
which: no cpulimit in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin)
dont use cpulimit
Default editor used (nano). You can change the EDITOR environment variable.
Default diff used (diff). You can change the DIFF environment variable.
Note: Backups are only available on SSH instances.

Which instances do you want to backup?
[1]                                                   m@com
[2] vv.notresuite.com                                           m@.com
[3] ii.notresuite.com                                           your@email.com
>>> 3
Performing backup for ii.notresuite.com
Downloading files locally.
RSYNC Return var: 0
Obtaining database dump.
Creating archive.
Return var: 0
[root@trimclient trim]#

Set up automatic backups


Install Syncthing

On the server

On your laptop

Setup Syncthing

The TRIM folder to backup is /root/trim/backup/archive

Make sure Syncthing automatically restarts when you reboot so that you have unattended automatic backups.


Information Version
luis.lucio 4
Marc Laporte 3
Marc Laporte 2
Marc Laporte 1
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  • 2 (current)
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