WikiSuite is the most comprehensive and integrated Open Source enterprise solution

  • Comprehensive: WikiSuite offers most (over 80%) of the data and information management features all organizations need.
  • Integrated: The end goal is that all parts of WikiSuite look and act consistently. One login for everything, one search box for everything, and so on. We still have quite a way to get there, but we are closer than the other Open Source offerings, and have a realistic roadmap to get there. A key reason is that our main web component is the FLOSS web application with the most built-in features.
  • Open Source: Free / Libre / Open Source software (FLOSS):
  • Enterprise solutions address organizational needs: security and auditability, compliance, interoperability, professional services ecosystem, training, etc.

See also: FAQ.

According to the Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO), WikiSuite's "cost to develop" is well over US$50 million.

WikiSuite fares well in comparison to the alternatives, which you may also be interested in investigating.

For desired features that are not covered, they typically can be configured via