
History: How to install WikiSuite

Preview of version: 174

If you are a developer, you may prefer to go directly to the source code.

As of 2021-01-04, this is ready for testing.


  • A server
    • A virtual machine will do fine
    • At least 1 gig of RAM
  • A domain name (a sub-domain will do fine)

Set up your domain name

You should point your domain name(s) to your server before your proceed. Even better is to point a wildcard subdomain. For example, we want all traffic to dev1.wikisuite.org or *.dev1.wikisuite.org as this makes it easy to create many projects, such as

  • abc.dev1.wikisuite.org
  • def.dev1.wikisuite.org
  • etc.

You'll want something like this:

dev1 A record (put your IP address here)
*.dev1 CNAME dev1.wikisuite.org.

More info at Set up your domain name

How To Install Virtualmin

You should have a fresh instance of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. It should work with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Debian 9 and 10 but this has not yet been tested. CentOS support is planned and we are following discussions about CentOS vs CentOS Stream support in Virtualmin

It is important that nothing else is installed on the server because Virtualmin will handle it. We'll use https://gitlab.com/wikisuite/virtualmin-installer/ to install Virtualmin which is then configured for optimal settings for WikiSuite.

Install Webmin and Virtualmin on Ubuntu OS
Download Virtualmin using the below script. It is basically a shell script that will handle rest of the installation once executed.

Log in to your server via SSH with the root user. (If you are not logged in as root, you should switch to root),

If you have an unreliable internet connection, you should use tmux or something similar. (So you can launch some commands, and they continue running even if you are disconnected)


This downloads the install script (which you can inspect)
curl -o install-virtualmin.sh https://gitlab.com/wikisuite/virtualmin-installer/-/raw/master/install-virtualmin.sh
This is to inspect the script (optional)
nano install-virtualmin.sh
This runs the install script
bash install-virtualmin.sh

A web URL will be provided after installation is complete, you can access the Virtualmin by the provided URL Ex: https://example.org:10000 (GUI is at port 10000)

Update your system to latest available packages

Updates the list of available packages and their versions
apt-get update
Installs newer versions of the packages you have
apt-get upgrade

Install Tiki Manager for Virtualmin

This install the Tiki Manager for Virtualmin installer (then available to each Virtualmin Server)
sudo curl -s -L 'https://gitlab.com/wikisuite/tiki-manager-for-virtualmin/-/raw/master/tikimanager.pl' -o /usr/share/webmin/virtual-server/scripts/tikimanager.pl

You have a basic server. Congrats!

Next steps:

  1. Create a Virtual Server
  2. Install Tiki Manager
  3. Use Tiki Manager to install Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Create Virtual Servers

Virtualmin > Create Virtual Server
For more info: https://www.virtualmin.com/documentation/tutorial/virtual-server-basics
Server Create

Suppose your desired domain is example.org, use the following pattern:
Create a Virtual Server for manager.example.org
And then, a Sub-Server for example.org

Top-level Virtual Server

Domain name (This will be for Tiki Manager): manager.example.org
Administration username (pick a descriptive word for that domain): example
Administration password: Set a Strong Password (if not, you will very likely get hacked)


Domain name (This will be for your site): example.org
No need to pick username and password like above because user you created can access both.

If a domain name is valid, free SSL (for https://) certificates from Let's Encrypt are automatically created.

So now, you should be able to visit both manager.example.org and example.org and see a placeholder page. If domain name is not set up, you can Preview Website via Virtualmin

Why not have example.org as the Virtual Server and manager.example.org as the Sub-Server? You could but it makes things more complicated later

Virtualmin has many other features like domain alias, domain rename, etc.

Installation of Tiki Manager

For more info, please see: https://doc.tiki.org/Manager

So now, you need to log in using SSH with the user you just created (and not as root)

1. Install Tiki Manager


Following on above, you will end up in a directory like /home/example/:

change to tiki-manager directory
$ cd tiki-manager

Then run the following. On first run, it will finish the setup (Fetch Composer and get PHP dependencies, create the SQLite database, etc.)
$ php tiki-manager.php manager:info

When asked "Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):", just click "Enter" unless you know that you need a passphrase (probably not)

Tiki Manager's web interface

More info: https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki-Manager-Web-UI

As of 2020-12-29, the web interface can't be used to install Tiki on Virtualmin (it assumes you are using root user for MySQL, which is not the case). Until this is resolved, you need to use the command line interface to install. However, you can use the web interface for other operations like upgrades and backups.

cd /home/example/tiki-manager/
php tiki-manager.php webmanager:enable

Recommended answers:

  • This will enable the Tiki Manager administration web panel. Continue with this action?: yes
  • WWW Tiki Manager directory: /home/example/public_html
  • Pick a user name and password
  • Restrict use to localhost: no because you want to access remotely

Virtualmin > file manager > Home > example > public_html
So now Tiki Manager will be accessible at manager.example.org, but the Virtualmin default page is still shown because index.htm takes precedence over index.php. So use the Virtualmin file manager to delete index.html (we will later improve install script so this is no longer necessary)

Create Tiki Instance through Command Line

So now to install Tiki, you need a database. Virtualmin actually already created one for you.

Here is video to give you an idea of the process, how to get database details

Now, Tiki Manager will create a fresh Tiki instance fetching files from Git, and using database mentioned above.

For more info, please see: https://doc.tiki.org/manager#instance

php tiki-manager.php instance:create

Recommended answers:

  • Connection type: local (because Tiki Manager is installing on the same server, accessible to the same user.)
  • WebURL: http://example.org (as above)
  • Name: you can keep what it proposes. This is just cosmetic.
  • Email: Your email so system can alert you of issues
  • WebRoot: /home/example/domains/example.org/public_html
  • You will get a warning (Target webroot folder is not empty). Installing a new Tiki instance, all files will be deleted. Do you want to continue? (yes/no): yes
  • TempDir: /home/example/tmp/
  • Backup user: (accept proposed value)
  • Backup group: (accept proposed value)
  • Backup file permissions: (accept proposed value)
  • Branch: git : 21.x (this provides latest released version of branch 21 + unreleased bug fixes)
  • Database host: (accept proposed value)
  • Database user: username from the Virtual Server (not the Sub-Server)
  • Database password: password from the Virtual Server (not the Sub-Server)
  • Database name: name from the Sub-Server (not the Virtual Server)

Here is video to give you an idea of the process, but you should use recommended answers above

After you have answered all the questions, it will take quite some time to install your Tiki. Perhaps 20-30 minutes or more, depending on your context. Just be patient and let it run.

After Successfully Creating tiki-instance

You will get the Tiki HomePage as below.

Login with
u: admin
p: admin

And follow the instructions to set a strong password.

The Tiki Admin Dashboard looks like this:


Force all traffic to SSL / HTTPS



$ php apt-get install unoconv

For more info: https://doc.tiki.org/unoconv

Comparing version 26 with version 27

Lines: 1-4Lines: 1-4
 !! __How To Install Virtualmin__ !! __How To Install Virtualmin__
-__Install Webmin and Virtualmin__ +__Install Webmin and Virtualmin :-__
 Download Virtualmin using the below script. It is basically a shell script that will handle rest of the installation once executed. Download Virtualmin using the below script. It is basically a shell script that will handle rest of the installation once executed.
 Then run  Then run
Lines: 7-11Lines: 7-11
  bash install-virtualmin.sh||  bash install-virtualmin.sh||
-__! first install all dependencies__ +__First install all dependencies :-__
 ||apt-get ~~#09F:update~~ ||apt-get ~~#09F:update~~
Lines: 14-26Lines: 14-26
-__Installation of tiki-manager and composer__ __1.clone directory__ +__Installation of tiki-manager and composer :-__ __1.clone directory :-__
 ||git clone - - depth 1 --branch master https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki-manager.git|| ||git clone - - depth 1 --branch master https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki-manager.git||
-__2.go to this directory__ +__2.go to this directory :-__
 ||cd tiki-manager|| ||cd tiki-manager||
-__3.install composer__ +__3.install composer :-__
 ||curl https://getcomposer.org/composer.phar > composer.phar ||curl https://getcomposer.org/composer.phar > composer.phar
 php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');" php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');"
Lines: 29-33Lines: 29-33
 ||composer require symfony/console|| ||composer require symfony/console||
-__Create Tiki Instance through CLI__ +__Create Tiki Instance through CLI :-__
 __1.__ Create Domain  __1.__ Create Domain
Lines: 36-40Lines: 36-40
 ||php tiki-manager.php instance:create|| ||php tiki-manager.php instance:create||
-----type=local-- +--type=local
 --web url=http://manager.tiki.org --web url=http://manager.tiki.org
 --name=manager.tiki.org  --name=manager.tiki.org
Lines: 52-61Lines: 52-95
-__Database setup(do this setup after selecting branch while creating instance)__1.go to webmin2.servers tab3. select mysql database server 4. go to select user permission tab 5. select user tab6. give permission to all +__Database setup(do this setup after selecting branch while creating instance) :-__*Go to webmin*Selectservers tab*Select mysql database server *Go to select user permission tab *Select user tab*Give permission to all
  and save it  and save it
 +__Configure SSL :-__
 +*Go to virtualmin search ssl certificate
 +*Go to lets encrypt tab
 +*Request certificate
 +once done
 +*go to (tiki-admin.php) Page
 +*search "Protect all sessions" activate it.
 +__Setup Mail :-__
 +*Login in gandi.net
 +*go to email tab (up to 5 @wikisuite.net accounts can be created for free)
 +*Create Mail Account via Virtualmin
 +*Login in Virtualmin
 +*go to edit user section
 +*add a user to this server
 +__Configure email account to Tiki's webmail :-__
 +* Go to (tiki-admin.php) Page
 +*search webmail in controls panel and enable webmail
 +*open webmail
 +*add imap server to receive emails
 +*provide account name and imap server address then provide user credential
 +*add smtp server to send email
 +*go to Tiki-manager folder and uncomment the below line in .env file
 +*Provide the credential and save it
 Example wikidiff plugin syntax
{wikidiff object_id="How to install WikiSuite" oldver="26" newver="27" diff_style="sidediff" show_version_info="y"}


Information Version
Marc Laporte 199
Marc Laporte 198
Marc Laporte 197
Marc Laporte 196
Marc Laporte 195
gary.cunningham-lee Made spelling of Tiki instance consistent. 194
Marc Laporte 193
Marc Laporte 192
Marc Laporte 191
Marc Laporte Elasticsearch is no longer Open Source: https://www.elastic.co/blog/license-change-clarification 190
Marc Laporte 189
Marc Laporte Warning until we find a way to avoid this 188
Marc Laporte 187
Marc Laporte Thank you Fabio 186
Marc Laporte 185
Marc Laporte Adding this very useful tool! 184
Marc Laporte Use wiki links 183
Marc Laporte Yes! Thank you Fabio! 182
Marc Laporte Simple :-) 181
Marc Laporte 180
Marc Laporte 179
Marc Laporte Removing now unneeded docs (done via script) 178
Marc Laporte 177
Marc Laporte Weirdly, previous code was giving curl: command not found Thank you Fabio! 176
Marc Laporte 175
Marc Laporte 174
Marc Laporte Tmux 173
Marc Laporte More later 172
Marc Laporte 171
Marc Laporte 170
Marc Laporte 169
Marc Laporte Thank you Farhad for the question 168
Marc Laporte 167
Marc Laporte 166
Marc Laporte 165
Marc Laporte 164
Marc Laporte 163
Marc Laporte 162
Marc Laporte 161
Marc Laporte 160
Marc Laporte Move to own page 159
Marc Laporte This doc was just copy-pasted from https://doc.tiki.org/Manager And I don't see relevance here, as it's an advanced feature 158
Marc Laporte 157
Marc Laporte 156
Marc Laporte Remove this confusing section. Do not document around a bug: solve the bug! 155
Marc Laporte 154
Marc Laporte 153
Marc Laporte 152
Marc Laporte 151
Marc Laporte 150